Saturday,January 16, 2016
The women are not only energy and mother but Manthara and Kaikeyi also. Don't let your mind be dominated by Manthara. This is the path of spiritual practices for women.
-Bhagawan Shri Sanjay Sai Baba
Friday,January 15, 2016
If you are honest to the Lord, how are you considered as His servant? Applying His message in practice is a true service. If you desire to be a master instead of a servant, then you only inculcate jealousy, hatred and resentment in the minds of others. Consider yourself as His manual instrument by offering everything to the Lord.
-Bhagawan Shri Sanjay Sai Baba
Thursday,January 14, 2016
To preach we are number one but when we have to learn, we are the last. So be number one in action. Learn. Apply in your action what you have learnt. One day definitely people will learn from you. When that divine gold touches the live of others; all will be gold. The golden touch of a devotee makes others also devoted. And that devotee in turn when he touches another, he sees God in self and all.
-Bhagawan Shri Sanjay Sai Baba
Wednesday,January 13, 2016
After knowing yourself you will know the feelings of others, like from the deep saadhanaa, from chintan to chaitanya. First you do chintan, and then from the chintan go back to chaitanya. Chaitanya means the jyoti, which comes in our mind. We then feel all people are the same. There exist no colour, no gender, no caste, no dharma.
-Bhagawan Shri Sanjay Sai Baba
Tuesday,January 12, 2016
Have a calm vision so imaginary enemies are not created. Nowadays why are friends becoming enemies? Its because our vision is our enemy causing us to see in a bad way; our way of talking is like that rude and rough. So a simple thing is to change your vision. Don't think that all saints and monks have come to do bad.
Bhagawan Shri Sanjay Sai Baba
Monday,January 11, 2016
There is no need to worship God, there is no need even to believe in God. If you don't worship, no problem. If you don't believe, no problem. And even if you are a non-follower of God, but just follow the principles of human values, then it is enough. Just know the value of human. Just know the values of human life-that is the most important.
-Bhagawan Shri Sanjay Sai Baba
Sunday,January 10, 2016
Sanaatana Dharma is such that it helps us to see God even in a stone. Man made a stone into an idol or shivalinga and started worshipping it and doing saadhanaa. But that same man does not see divinity in the other man. This is because he can't see divinity in himself. That's because instead of seeing God in the stone he has started seeing the stone as God. Go beyond the sight provided by your physical eyes. Open your inner eye. See that everything from the inanimate to the animate is the same God that you consider as God. He resides in every atom. Whichever form you believe in or have faith in; that is his form.
-Bhagawan Shri Sanjay Sai Baba
Saturday,January 09, 2016
Every type of service is a Sadhana: a mind purifying practice. Rendering service without such understanding and inspiration lessens the urge and ultimately ceases the willingness for service. As a result, boastfulness and artificiality takes place. Such service is meaningless if done to undermine others or to make one's own self known to the public.
-Bhagawan Shree Sanjay Sai Baba
Friday,January 08, 2016
God behaves with you in accordance with your fervent prayer and devotion that emerges from your pure heart. Don't wander away in delusion by saying God won't care about the one without the membership of the organisation. Membership is not essential for devotion. For example Shabari didn't belong to Rama's empire, nor was she the queen of any nation. She assisted the Lord's task despite being an ordinary Bhilani(tribal) and it was possible because of her sole devotion only.
-Bhagawan Shri Sanjay Sai Baba
Thursday, January 07, 2016
God is all pervading i.e. omnipresent. You should keep firm faith in this fact. Disbelieving in God is really foolishness. There should be, at least, an attempt from your side to apprehend spiritual knowledge along with physical science.
-Bhagawan Shri Sanjay Sai Baba
Wednesday,January 06 2016
We only see our problems. But have you ever thought how much problems God has faced as an Avataara? How much difficulties God is still suffering from? Lord Rama's wife was kidnapped by Ravana. Lord Rama was the son of a King and yet he had to walk barefoot in the jungle, eating vegetables and fruits only. He could have ordered anything and the whole of the city of Ayodhya would have stood there at his lotus feet to serve him. Bearing with difficulties is the best way to solve difficulties. The main cause of our problems is that we are making mistakes knowingly or unknowingly. Self realization and self transformation is the only solution for this.
-Bhagawan Shri Sanjay Sai Baba
Tuesday,January 05, 42016
Simply the sight of food does not help. Only after tasting it can one say whether the food contains less salt or more spice. It is like the story of a jackal that saw a bunch of beautiful grapes on the tree. He jumped, he tried and tried and concluded that the grapes were sour when he could not get it. That is what people do today while judging others.
-Bhagawan Shri Sanjay Sai Baba
Monday,January 04, 2016
God will not be happy if you serve milk to him with a desire in your mind. God will be happy if you offer milk to a beggar who is sitting outside the temple. The problems arises for a person when he expects more from others though they don't expect anything from him in return. This is the reason which leads to creation of enemies and a person creates the problems for himself.
-Bhagawan Shri Sanjay Sai Baba
Sunday,january 03, 2016
The word sammaan can be said as sama-maan.(sama=equal; maan=respect). The amount of respect you give to others will be the amount of respect received by you, this is called sama-maan(equally-respectful). If we do not respect others, how can we expect honour and respect from them?
-Bhagawan Shri Sanjay Sai Baba
Saturday,January 02, 2016
It is very easy to point finger on others But, think that another three fingers on yourself will be pointing you. So, do not point others faults. Point your faults and realise and try to correct then everything will be perfect.
-Bhagawan Shri Sanjay Sai Baba
Friday,January 01, 2016
With rise of sun, start everyday with the oath to spend satwic(noble) life and involve in spiritual activities. Similarly, in every new year work with divine determination(sankalpa) such that your wishes will be fulfilled and you will reach the destiny. Wish you all prosperous, fortunate and healthier life ahead.
-Bhagawan Shri Sanjay Sai Baba
Thursday,December 31, 2015
What you feel about others is the same feelings others will have for you. Don't try to show God what you are doing. God knows everything about what you are doing. What is the meaning of that sevaa which is done to show others? Do sevaa in such a way that your left hand does not know what the right hand has done.
-Bhagawan Shri Sanjay Sai Baba
Wednesday,December 30, 2015
Only the truth of life should be known. Know the value of life, the truth of the human form-what am I, who am I, what are we: when you know all this then only, in the end, you can know what is God. God comes last. People work for themselves. Everyone earns, not for others but for themselves. They do sevaa, that also for themselves. Don't do things only for yourself. Make God a part of this.
-Bhagawan Shri Sanjay Sai Baba
Tuesday,December 29, 2015
Where is the difference between Ganapati in the house and Ganapati in the Siddhi Vinaayaka Temple? To go to the temple, that is our culture. But to worship Ganapati, that is not required. We see three Ganapatis: one in the stall(shop), second at home and third in the temple. We feel the Ganapati in the stall has very little power, the Ganapati at home has 50% shakti whereas the Ganapati at the temple has 100% shakti. This is our misplaced(blind) belief within the God-belief. If you believe with faith, even an ordinary stone has Ganapati inside it.
-Bhagawan Shri Sanjay Sai Baba
Monday,December 28, 2015
Action or karma has to be done, no matter what. Even after death the action is one more life and then the actions of that life. And the cycle of lifetimes is endless. But what we resolve to do noble actions for the universal good then the actions that we perform are those that help to burn out our karmas and even God will step forward to help us to fulfill our sankalpa.
-Bhagawan Shri Sanjay Sai Baba
Sunday,December 27, 2015
Whether you are following God or not is not important. One man went to the Ganesh temple and asked for Visa, but he did not get it so he went to another Ganesh temple. So people are dividing God. When you divide God you are doing partiality. When you love all forms of God equally, when you fill there is only one God, you will see only one LOVE in this world.
-Bhagawan Shri Sanjay Sai Baba
Saturday,December 26, 2015
If someone said something is bad, you first experience him. It may be bad for him but for you it may be good. Don't follow the crowd, make others follow you. Walk the path of Paramatma, the correct path. Whatever God, Allah, Jesus is, it doesn't matter. How you are that matters. How we are that matters; what we are that matters.
-Bhagawan Shree Sanjay Sai Baba
Friday,December 25, 2015
When ever the religion get spoilt in Earth, falsehood dominate truth and violence against saints occur. For the reawakening of truth and reinstallation of religion, I take birth again and again.
-Bhagawan Shree Sanjay Sai Baba
Thursday,December 24, 2015
Just as your eyelashes immediately close and protect your eyes in case of a problem; same as God is always protecting you. There is no need to tell him to protect you. He always IS. Instead pray lokaah samastaa sukhino bhavantu. As I am happy, may others be happy too. As I am joyous, may others be joyful. As I get food twice a day may all also be fed thus. As I am appeased let others too be appeased in all they need. As I am satisfied with what I have let others too be satisfied with what they have. The one who is satisfied is the one who is always in bliss.
-Bhagawan Shri Sanjay Sai Baba
Wednesday,December 23, 2015
How great you are as a Lord's devotee! How faithfully you have performed your duties! Both of them remain worthless if you don't have discipline in your life. Nothing gives rise to a finishing touch without discipline.
-Bhagawan Shri Sanjay Sai Baba
Tuesday,December 22, 2015
If the rich has to attain the Lord's grace, there is only one path without alternatives and that is: they have to give up their own false values and surrender them unto God. No problem can have a solution until one is entangled under the slavery of the worldly definition of prosperity and poverty. This is the reason why I strive for changing the hearts towards spiritual values and the truth.
-Bhagawan Shri Sanjay Sai Baba
Monday,December 21, 2015
It takes time to settle muddy water and shaky confidence however by virtue of patience and determination that dirty water will reemerge crystal clear. Likewise expectation and patience will boost confidence regularly. Without trust no fruit is obtained. It is mandatory to have total faith for enhancement.
-Bhagawan Shri Sanjay Sai Baba
Sunday,December 20, 2015
Do not have doubt that whether the prayer done from core of heart reaches to God or not. God knows our each and every work and deeds. Hence, prayer should be done for the betterment of entire universe not just for ourselves.
-Bhagawan Shri Sanjay Sai Baba
Saturday,December 19, 2015
Jealousy is just like an epidemic. It shouldn't be allowed to spread inside. You should have a firm belief that the Lord's blessing is always showering on you even if your position is lower than a proper required level. His grace is always showering on you. Your happiness should depend on others joys too. You should feel enthusiastic and cheerful on hearing the news of other's success.
-Bhagawan Shri Sanjay Sai Baba
Friday, December 18, 2015
No one knows exactly how long or short is the time span of human life. But it is necessary to make every day special. Do not count how many days are left in your life. Each day, you live a whole life. The only condition required for this is to be away from greed and Ego.
Bhagawan Shri Sanjay Sai Baba
Thursday,December 17, 2015
God created this whole beautiful universe for you with so many things for you to enjoy and use but never gave you any bill. These small eyes of yours are able to see the whole world; what bigger gift do you need?
So do Bhakti to thank God, not to receive anything. A mother always knows why her child is crying. Is the child crying for milk, or the child wants to sleep or go out; she knows everything. God is like that. He knows beforehand what we want and need.
So do Bhakti to thank God, not to receive anything. A mother always knows why her child is crying. Is the child crying for milk, or the child wants to sleep or go out; she knows everything. God is like that. He knows beforehand what we want and need.
-Bhagawan Shri Sanjay Sai Baba
Wednesday,December 16, 2015
When we donate with firm faith, God holds our hand. When we walk the path of life with firm faith he holds our hand and walks with us. Age or time doesn't matter. Some say I went to Swami for forty years. If you became conscious of his divinity, then that is enough. Use this consciousness for contemplation. Incessant contemplation will lead to absolute Consciousness. This consciousness lead to transformation. This process is only bhakti.
-Bhagawan Shri Sanjay Sai Baba
Tuesday,December 15, 2015
Man, nature, animals and even inanimate objects need not only water, nutrition and light to grow and blossom, but also other things are necessary, But what is more necessary than all this is one thing and that is love. Without love nothing is possible. So why has God created man? God has created man to share that divine love with all. When a human is a child, a grown up takes care of him and rears him with love and compassion. When a guest comes home, we serve him with water, food and love. In this world there is nothing that can satisfy mankind. Love only is the single element that can satisfy not only man but also animals. There is only one religion and that is the religion of love.
-Bhagawan Shri Sanjay Sai Baba
Monday,December 14, 2015
The most simple thing is to realise yourself. Self realization is the best medicine. Self-realization and self-transformation. What you think you are; that you are. If you think you are doing anything wrong then change yourself. If you realise your mistake and correct it, then there is no need to go to the temple. If you are right you are with Sai. What is Sai: See Always Inside. What is Baba: Be Aware Be Alert. There is no need to just chant Jai Ram or Hey Ram and say you have devotion. Give service. Bhakti is not only going to the temple. There is no need to go to the temple, it is made to give us joy and spiritual values. Make your heart a temple, purify your heart. Give everyone a place in your heart.
-Bhagawan Shri Sanjay Sai Baba
Sunday,December 13, 2015
If you come to listen to the words that hurt your sentiments, why do you express the same sort of words to the other? Such words also hurt their sentiments. Why do you convey such words to the others? Don't let such words spread out. If you can, it's better to take them out of your mind. Don't make others feel worried by passing rumours here and there.
-Bhagawan Shri Sanjay Sai Baba
Saturday,December 12, 2015
When an ant stings on a toe, your attention promptly reaches there. You make an effort to drive it away or chuck it out. Similarly be attentive on particular event that's going on in the nation as pain, sorrow, natural calamity or happiness and cherfulness in any part of the nation. If you don't take responsibility, who will take care of the place, the village or the country where you live in? If not, the nation may split into various divisions. Therefore, love your nation and don't hate other nations.
-Bhagawan Shri Sanjay Sai Baba
Friday,December 11, 2015
This world has been held by faith. Even when the degree of
confidence is reduced to a low level; people are still creating a beautiful
future with the support of this very faith. Let's see an instance of loan
taking and giving. When we take a loan, we sign a paper for terms and
conditions; but it is only for legal concerns. One is ready to give a loan to
others before the papers are signed, that is faith. Likewise, divinity also
relies on faith. God is the absolute truth.
-Bhagawan Shree Sanjay Sai Baba
Thursday,December 10, 2015
Find God in your mercy, in your compassion. Our rich ancient values have taught us that there is divinity in the stone also and so we are worshiping a stone as God which cannot even speak. If a person is hungry and he gets his food from you, then for him you are his God. If we are able to bring a smile on any crying face, then we are God for that unhappy person. God is not residing inside the temple. Going to a temple is our tradition. We must not stop going there. But you must find God inside your own heart. Stick to the God whom you are worshiping from your heart. Don't change your God forever. Never change your God every now and then.
Bhagawan Shri Sanjay Sai Baba
Wednesday,December 09,2015
After knowing yourself you will know the feelings of others, like from the deep saadhanaa, from chintan to chaitanya. First you do chintan and then from the chintan go back to chaitanya. Chaitanya means the jyoti, which comes in our mind. We then fell all people are the same. There exists no colour, no gender, no caste, no dharma, no religion. Nowhere is it written that Hindus can't go to the church or Christians can't go to the temple. That in which you have aasthaa, or vishvaas becomes yours. You can go there and you can accept that. You are free to do service. Service to human is service to God. Everybody is God, Everybody is Naaraayan.
-Bhagawan Shri Sanjay Sai Baba
Tuesday,December 08, 2015
We always see other with a competitive mind set. He has this defect, this thing less. We should not look at others in such a way. We should see inside us whether we have any defect. Then the others will appear complete to us, without any defects. We think always that somebody is less than us, but think about what is less in your inside. Whatever the sevaa of free school, free hospital, etc. every organisation is doing it, it is not a new achievement. It will be an achievement to transform a human being from maanava(human) to maadhava(God).
Bhagawan Shri Sanjay Sai Baba
Monday,December 07,2015
Let the purity of your mind permeate over the entire human race and all other beings. Don't try and don't desire for the achievement of the fruits of your actions. You are the means through which My love is showered. Be aware! When your mind is curtained with an ego, you fail to perform My tasks and you start finding flaws in all My actions. Only after gaining control over the negative feelings, you begin to resume My task. Afterwards, you experience positive things in My task and see the work extension. My task is limitless; hence your work is also endless. Keep ever in your mind that you are in Me and I am in you. There is no difference between you and Me.
-Bhagawan Shri Sanjay Sai Baba
Sunday,December 06, 2015
Service organisation is only a place where people could assemble and render the services under the prevalent rules, disciplines and codes of conduct. After all, organisation means devotees, nothing else. Therefore, all authorities of organizations are service givers, not governing ones. You shouldn't be in the delusion that one will receive the Lord's grace only by joining the organization as its member. You all are members of God or you all are His devotees although you don't have membership of any organization. Receiving membership means taking shelter under an umbrella of discipline. You are not deprived of the Lord's grace even if you are taken out of the organization or you are considered liable for so- called punishment. All of you have equal authority over God's institution.
-Bhagawan Shri Sanjay Sai Baba
Saturday,December 05,2015
Don't desire for things, see divinity in all and love them. Do perform your duties lovingly, be peaceful. God will endow you with everything at an appropriate time. Don't be selfish for things. Time is God and it imparts you everything. Don't act in a hurry and don't worry for the things.
-Bhagawan Shri Sanjay Sai Baba
Friday,December 04, 2015
The treatment of illness comprises two forms of miracle-curing the men and giving new lives to them. There is a unique process of treatment. It's just like two opposite currents of electricity-positive and negative. Deep faith or devotion in Me is just like a negative one and my grace positive. When two opposite currents meet, your devotion itself makes you healthy. The human mind is the real cause for him to become physically fit or unfit. It is essential to cultivate confidence in him for his recovery. I assist him for nourshing self-confidence in him.
-Bhagawan Shri Sanjay Sai Baba
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